The SixBillionTheory is a comprehensive collection of thoughts and ideals of one individual. What is the SixBillionTheory? The real question is...Will you care?

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

The day the Idealist Died

The Idealist died today,
and with him so did tomorrow.
Without his dreams and vision,
they'll just accept their sorrow.

He drowned in an ocean,
of comments quixotic.
Received as a dreamer
and borderline psychotic.

The Romantic died yesterday,
but his death was a slow one.
His heart froze to silence,
from years of beating for no one.

He had no one to live for,
so he just stopped breathing.
But it wasn't the apathy,
it was her not believing.

I, will die tomorrow,
my virtues are extinct,
the opposite being true,
of everything I think.

I'm choking on bitterness,
from the Romantic and Idealist.
I'll surrender to sterility
and conform to be a realist.

Written on 10/06/03
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