About Me
- Name: SixBillion
- Location: San Diego, California, United States
You should get to know me because; I shower twice a day, to know me is to love me, its guaranteed that your life will be better if im in it, cuz id suck the poison out of your ass if you got bit by a snake while taking a squat in the desert, ill tell you what u need to hear not what you want to hear, im honest, i keep it real, i try laugh as much as i can, ill kick the shit out of anyone that hurts you, im reasonable, im very anti drama, you'll like my friends, im super loyal, I'd take a bullet for you, i'll probably be rich, being rich doesn't matter to me, i like to go out, i like to stay in, and Im going to save the world.
The SixBillionTheory is a comprehensive collection of thoughts and ideals of one individual. What is the SixBillionTheory? The real question is...Will you care?
Monday, October 20, 2003
The Myth Of “The Nice Guy”
Sunday was a quiet day in the life of Guy In Trenchcoat. The rain reflected my miserable mood. The local high schools had yet to re-open, so I didn’t have any dates for that night. I decided to hang out with a few friends of mine and shoot the shit. There were four males present and one female acquaintance from work. Over several frosty beverages, we discussed several topics. Undoubtedly, the one that stirred up the most controversy (and actually helped awake one guy from a pot-induced stupor) was the topic of male-female relationships.
I’m sure you have heard women complain that they can’t find a “nice guy”. They are LYING. Women claim they want a “nice guy” because they feel that is what expected of them. The truth is, most women have been approached by these so-called nice guys and want nothing to do with them. Rather, women want the so-called “challenge” that comes with dating a not-so nice guy.
Before we go any further, I should clarify a few things. When I say “nice guy” I mean, your average guy, who is neither an overly cocky windbag nor the kind of guy who is ready to marry the first women who actually responds when he says hello. That may seem like a rather broad term, but there are a large number of males who this description fits. This means you could be the occasional asshole, (who isn’t?) but for the most part, you don’t have too many issues.
I have often heard women complain about men they date falling over them, and practically worshipping them. First off, I don’t care how much a guy digs a particular female, if you constantly kiss her ass, you are hurting yourself. Plus, you make guys in general look bad. So for the good of your gender, for all of us who hate pissing with morning wood, STOP BEING A TOOL. If you have that little self-confidence and act like any women is doing you a favor by acknowledging you exist, you should do one of two things:
1) Give up on finding a significant other
2) Swallow a nice refreshing glass of Drano
Now then, on to females. The “Nice Guy” myth is one of the many reasons guys get frustrated with the necessary evil that is the female gender. What is that women want? “ I need a challenge” is right up there with when guys say “Sure I’ll respect you in the morning.” By that I mean, it’s a crock of shit. Are you that fucked up in the head that you want to date a guy who is going to treat you like crap as opposed to a guy who actually might see you as more than just a hole to stick his schlong in? Are you that bitter about not being asked to the prom by the guy of your dreams that you want to live the high school experience you never had?
The pursuit of that which is not easily attainable does nothing to help the vagina-possessing kooks who do it. We’ve all heard them babble on about how the guy who plays hard to get has “confidence’ and is “mysterious.”
By this twisted logic, only hardcore assholes, the ones who “keep their bitches in check” have confidence. Did these women ever consider that a lot of guys have confidence; we just don’t feel the need to be self-absorbed braggarts? And even when it comes to guys who treat women like shit, who is worse, the guy who does it, or the chick that lets him? I say the chick is worse. Of course a guy is going to push the envelope, it’s not our fault if the female involved can’t stand up for herself. Get a backbone and get to suckin’.
And have you ever noticed that the girls who always get burned are the preachy types? I mean, it’s the girl who is hot and on the surface, pretty appealing. What happens? She gets hurt over and over. But in between her spastic fits of crying like a 6-year old, she never fails to preach at you. She’ll tell you that you are wrong for not calling a girl after a one-night stand. She’ll lecture you for ignoring certain girls. She’ll cry at every movie where the girl gets swept off her feet, hoping that some day her knight will come. And then she’ll go and make herself look pathetic.
The irony in all this is that females who ignore decent guys, guys who are actually pretty normal, and then pursue the guy who does not want them instead, are creating more of a problem. How you ask? Every time a genuinely decent guy gets screwed over, he’s one step closer to becoming a full-fledged asshole. So good job girls, you’ve now helped create more guys who will mess with your head.
I mentioned earlier that certain females seem to want a ‘challenge”, and that’s why they pursue guys who treat them like crap. Well, if they don’t stop acting like psychotics, the more challenges they will get. It will be more of a challenge to come up with excuses about why you were crying in the bathroom at a bar, or why you have black eyes and bruises. After all, people will only believe your story about Rollerblading mishaps so many times before they become suspicious. Unfortunately, this column will probably ring true for a lot of people reading it. The truth sucks sometimes people, as do many women’s twisted relationship choices.