The SixBillionTheory is a comprehensive collection of thoughts and ideals of one individual. What is the SixBillionTheory? The real question is...Will you care?
Well this is the beginning...lemme start by talking about what the sixbilliontheory is...its what i call my thoughts and ideals in life....all the theories are connected in some way or another....6,000,000,000....sound familiar? if u said the world's populations....U R absolutely correct.....the foundation of my theories started with the number of souls that walk this planet.....Do you believe in true love?...i do....However in a world with 6,000,000,000 (notice the amount of zeros) people, what are the chances of finding that "one"?...well 3,000,000,000 if u count the opposite sex only...but even still isnt that a stifling number?....wouldn't that just crush your hopes of finding that one? but wait...theres that stuff, destiny and fate. So despite the improbability of it, i still have hope. So knowing that, heres the second part of the theory. When people say that they're in love...i tend to not believe them...because again what are the chances of being in love...this was back when i believed that the only kind of love was true love....but since things have changed....because of a young lady, however older than me, i think, i now have to view things otherwise...she was in a dilemna...between a rock and a hard place.....bottom line was she was getting beat down from a long distance relationship....the distance was only 100 miles or so....however when u cant drive....that might as well be on another planet.... so shes torn.....theres a boy here who is heavily into her.....she ends up breaking off the longdistance deal and explores feelings wit the boy here. Despite the unhappiness she would most certainly endure....she broke up with the boy here and got back together with another guy....that is just nuts to me....y even put yerself through it?...the kid from here is a great guy....shes said so a million times....and he really is...i know...hes one of my better friends....i guess it must be love....but what are the chances of it being true love? could it be possible that she had found her true love? but it couldnt be...the way they were, just didnt justify that that i mean they didnt't fit my ideal of what true love should be....if they were in true love...they would runaway from home to be together....they wouldnt just sit i had my doubts...enough so that i had to adopt the idea that there was more than just true love....perhaps we will have many loves....but only one true love....that seemed to make was what only lasted temporarily....the whole 50% divorce rate deal kinda supported that...only half of all marriages in the state didnt get divorced....why?....were people not really in love and getting married?it seems unlikely that there was absolutely nothing there....and it was simply a hallucination they were is suppose to be forever....what does that mean if 50% of people who loved eachother enough to get married, just stopped and got is fickle...just a fact of life i guess....but true love is all that and more...will i be lucky enough to find it?...prolly not cuz life aint no fairy tale....there arent happy endings for all of us.....anyways yak yak yak....get a job....