The SixBillionTheory is a comprehensive collection of thoughts and ideals of one individual. What is the SixBillionTheory? The real question is...Will you care?
Monday, April 01, 2002
Well no e-mail....i guess im just talking to myself here....which is not at all uncommon for me....well actually i don't talk outloud....I mean im thinking to myself all the time....I hardly ever share my feelings or thoughts with anyone...i might share a few messed up thoughts that make no sense...but other than that im pretty introverted.... Like today i told someone about my desire to spike my chest hairs.....haha that came from nowhere i just said it cuz i was thinking about is pretty amazing when u think about just grass or something...u can shape it or mold it....its incredible stuff...good for decoration....anyways....the reason why i dont share my thoughts and feelings is because i dont trust anybody enought to talk to them about....actually there are a few people i would trust...but they can never really help or say anything worth listening to...i appreciate their effort but in the end i just feel i am pouring my hopes, fears, emotions out and they have nothing to say....the onnly thing that does for me is make me uncomfortable with them because i dont know what they're thinking....So me opening up to people is pretty rare....there a lot of people around me that i could talk to...but i don't...." A gentleman does not discuss his ailments with others" - Alfred ( Batman's butler) So in that thought i dont really talk about what really bothers me....Today was an uninteresting it has been for the last couple of years to become a Dr is not as attractive as it use to be....but how else will i save the world....=) heh.....that is what my purpose in life is....i believe that god has cursed me the way i am in order for me to stay focused until i have to save the world....that is the only rational explanation to why i feel like this =) least he instilled in me a healthy sense of humor...